The 1st CSDS 2018 had more 100 participants from 9 Brazilian states and 9 other countries. From the 34 responses to our satisfaction survey, in a scale between 1 and 5:
97.1% evaluated with 4 or 5 the "contato com os organizadores";
97.1% evaluated with 4 or 5 the "Conference venue";
100% evaluated with 4 or 5 the "Organization staff support";
88.2% evaluated with 4 or 5 the "Opportunities of networking";
88.2% evaluated with 4 or 5 the "Keynote speakers";
85.3% evaluated with 4 or 5 the "Round tables";
97.1% evaluated with 4 or 5 the "Short courses";
97.1% evaluated with 4 or 5 the "Organization of the conference";
88.2% "are sure" or "will try" to participate in the next edition of the CSDS.
It was a great pleasure for us to organize this conference and the great feedback and comments we received made us forget all the work and worries before and during the meeting.
Salvador, 12-14 November, 2018
The 1st Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS will be held in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil,
from November 12-14, 2018. The organization of this meeting will be carried out by the Department
of Statistics at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.
The purpose of the CSDS 2018 is to bring together researchers and practitioners, from the academy
and from the industry, that develop and apply statistical and computational methods for data
science. This conference will provide a forum to share and discuss ways to improve the
access to knowledge, and promote interdisciplinary collaborations.
The scientific program will be very appealing for most statisticians and data scientists
interested in quantitative methods for decision making and will include plenary talks,
invited sessions, short courses, round tables, contributed papers and contributed posters.
Along with us, two major events: The 1st LARS-IASC School on Computational Statistics and Data Science and
The workshop A Maximal Criticality day - MaxCrit will take place:
The 1st LARS-IASC School on Computational Statistics and Data Science is organized by the Latin American Regional Section of the
International Association for Statistical Computing (LARS-IASC), under the topic “Statistics of extremes: Modeling, inferences,
and applications”. The LARS-IASC School will be held at the Ondina Campus of the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil,
from November 15-17, 2018.
The MaxCrit has as goal to discuss the statistical
properties of occurrence of critical phenomena and their recurrence properties.
The aim of the workshop is to link ideas that are used exclusively either in the context of dynamical systems, either in stochastic
processes, to explore problems of Poincaré Recurrence and Extreme Value Theory, which at their core can be established as part of a
common theory. The MAXCrit will be held at the Ondina Campus of the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil,
in November 14, 2018.